After the sensational explosions of the New Year’s fireworks, all is now calm and rather lovely in Salcombe.
There’s no stampede for January sales here just a gentle acceptance that Christmas is over and it’s a moment for sorting out, reflection and planning for 2019. Having said that the boutiques are offering some fantastic seasonal reductions.
At The Moult some snow drops and fragrant daffodils are already in flower and the other day I was amazed to see an agapanthus in full bloom. We can’t wait to see our newly planted bulbs pop up for the first time this spring.
Inside the house we are constantly maintaining, updating and hopefully improving. A framed silk scarf now fills a dull space in a bedroom and a gorgeous rug in subtle blue tones is on its way from a London sale. Best of all we couldn’t resist a new sofa for the sitting room.
There is only one place I want to be for my midwinter birthday and that is The Moult. The place has an entirely different feel in January. With barely any boats you look out onto the glimmering Estuary with only the sound of seagulls and gentle waves lapping against the shore.
We have just launched some new offers to give the chance for others to enjoy this time of year at The Moult with reductions for February half term and March. We have also released some further slots for June, July, August and October.

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